Money And Tomorrow Is Always On My Mind.


Is it all about money? One really wonders how people deal with money situations in everyday life. There are bound to be those who feel that life is for the living and that you should do it today because there may be no tomorrow. Well, that certainly isn’t me as tomorrow has always been on my mind. Was that ever a song title, maybe it should be.

Have said that I don’t think I can be seen as a person who hoards his money, I just do not waste it. I don’t mind having a debt as long as I go about Debt Management in the correct way. Credit Cards are also ok as long as you don’t let it get out of control. Having money is important as we all need to eat drink and buy necessities but it should not control our lives. It should definitely not be our main focus causing us to lose track of what is really important, the love of family and friends.

As for those who are living for today, don’t forget tomorrow may come and you may not have anything left for those rainy days and will be in need of a loan.

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