Mid Life Crisis At 40?

They reckon that many people suffer a mid life crisis at the age of 40. One would assume them that your life expectancy would be at least 80 and that is true for most people who live in the developed countries. Unfortunately for a lot of people mid life crisis is around the age of 18, as most would never get to the age of 40. That is shocking but true. Take a look at the life expectancy statistics for the following countries.

Mozambique: 39.82
Liberia: 39.65
Zimbabwe: 39.29
Angola: 38.62
Lesotho: 34.40
Botswana: 33.74
Swaziland: 32.62

These figures were obtained by the World Vision magazine, and through them I sponsor two kids so that hopefully they may have a better life. I am well passed my 40th. and I count myself lucky. I hope that some who may read this will think about the plight of these people and that the may consider making a small donation. Every bit will help in bettering their living conditions so that one day their mid life crisis comes at the age of 40 and not 18.

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