Join “GROW” And Become Part Of The Community


There is an old saying when one is just starting something up they should keep it simple. That is exactly what Grow Green News is all about. I love the name ‘Grow’ because to be able to grow one has to be alive and this site is all about promoting a green news service. It’s about looking after our environment and the people who live in this remarkable planet of ours.

The members of Grow are a community of people who share environmental stories from around the world. This is a great way to be informed in all that is happening around the world. If we are informed about what is happening then when the need arises perhaps we can do our bit in looking after our environment.

The site is simple to navigate and very pleasing to the eye. The stories that you will find there are many and varied from the 10 fastest green cars on the planet to an update on Toronto garden destruction. It also has it’s own blog and forum so it well worth becoming a member so that rather than sit on the fence you can contribute to the growing community. Remember, although you may not believe that you have anything worthwhile to contribute, the smallest contribution of information can make a great difference to this world we live in, so become a part of the “Grow” community.

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