Liberals Gain Ground In Latest Poll

I reckon the boys in the Liberal party offeered a sigh of refief when they heard the latest poll. They are still a fair way behind but after clawing back 8 percentage points it shows that there is at least light at the end of the tunnel. Now they must remain focusesd and show their support for their leader. This is a must as anything less will be pounced upon by the opposition.

What surprises me is Julia Gillard’s response to the results. She sums it up purely as a sympathy vote. So what, you reckon that they will vote for Mr. Howard because they feel sorry for him? Give us a break. Could it be perhaps that they are showing their approval because he stood up to the challenge. After all, wasn’t it Rudd that said that he should tell the Australian public when and if he was standing down. He answered the challenge and Australia is showing their approval.

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