Howard or Rudd, Liberal or Labor?

Elections day has finally arrived and it has been the longest campaign in Australia’s history. Today Australians have to decide who is going to be our next PM. Is it going to be the trusted and true John Howard or the his “Me Too” counterpart Kevin Rudd? Of the two Rudd definitely seems more polished but does not seem to offer much substance. His ‘education revolution’ seems mere rhetoric as do a lot of his other promises, and let us not forget that that is exactly what they are, promises, and we all know how politicians love to keep those.

Labor seem hell bent on pointing out that a vote for Howard is really a vote for Costello. They tried the same tactic in the last election but Howard managed to stay the full term. At least in this campaign he was honest enough to tell us the truth in that he would be handing the reigns over to a man who is not without experience, as he has after all managed a brilliant economy. Let us not forget that Labor did the same thing as Hawke handed over his reigns to Keating mid term but did it on the sly without asking the public or even notifying them of his intention.

When we vote today we must remember that we are voting for more than just a leader, we are voting for a political party and asking for a change just for the sake of it is not a valid reason. Parties who do not perform should be voted out and those who do  we should retain. There are hard times ahead, look at the economies of the countries around us, and this is not the time to hand over to an inexperienced party, one with a history of high interest rates, mass unemployment, a myriad of union led strikes and huge debts. It is definitely not the time for change.

Take the time to think things through as today is not the time for rash decisions.

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