It is a sad say when a country chooses to turf out a Government who has performed well for the unknown Rudd factor. Now that the majority of Australians have put Rudd, Gillard and the Unions in charge of a trillion dollar economy we can only hope that Rudd is able to perform and to keep Australia heading in its current direction. Let’s face it Labor has inherited a bustling economy, a country with low unemployment and when you really think about it, no matter what they have said in a the pre-election bunk the majority of Australians have never really had it better.
 Sure there are still many struggling Australians but I think fewer than in previous years. Now we will have to see if Rudd can keep the Unions, who have helped him get in and will certainly want something in return, at bay an not let them have any control. The worst thing is that we would inherit a Ruddy puppet for a leader.
Let’s hope that when they get rid of the IR laws that industry and small business continue to employ Australians. Let’s hope that Unions do not ask for so much from employers that they get jack of the whole thing and move their operations overseas.
Let’s hope that now that Labor has control that they can in fact deliver on all their implied promises, that the price of petrol, food and essentials will go down. That the waiting lines in hospitals and care for the aged improve. That there will indeed be an education revolution, whatever the Rudd that means. That once he signs the Kyoto Protocol, that it does not cost Aussies an arm and a leg.
For us South Aussies, let’s hope that he can pull the Vics heads in and fix up the Murray. We have always got the raw deal from the other States and it has always been blamed on the Liberals, but now that we have wall to wall Labor let’s pray that things change and that the Murray River continues to flow into the best State in Australia.
So what are some of the Labor promises;
- Health checks for school starters, a $45 Medicare rebate for four-year-olds.
- GP super clinics for Adelaide’s North, to the value of $20 million and that ask the SA government to do the same. So does that mean if Rann doesn’t come to the party we miss out on that one?
- $510 million dollars in teenage teethÂ
- The immediate ratification of Kyoto but maybe not Kyoto2
Hell the list is Ruddy endless and I only hope he keeps all these promises otherwise he will only serve one term in office. Let’s also hope, as implied, that interest rates will not go over 10% as it did under previous Labor Governments. That housing prices will become more affordable, that Australians will be better off under a Labor Government and that we will be such a greener country.
Oh, feel free to add any other promises that Labor made so that we can keep track of their performance.