There is one advantage of being a blogger with more blogs than he can wave a stick at and that is that you can use them every once in awhile to give a particular post a plug. This is especially true when you think that one of those posts stands over and above the rest. Well this is one of those times and I want to introduce WassupBlog my latest blog and in particular this post. The only problem is that I run the risk of being totally humiliated when no-on actually likes it but what the heck, thats the risk you take when you go out on a limb and like they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Well, at some point someone had best stop you, otherwise I’m going to start going the same type of blogging route as you; then how will the world handle both of us?
By the way, do you keep all your blogs on the same host?
I think I will stop myself as there is only so much one man can do. I actually use two different hosts. No point putting all your eggs in one basket.