You Wanna Bitch? I Mean Do You Really Like To Bitch?

I reckon that I have come across the perfect sister site to this blog and it just happens to be another blog. It even has a very appealing name,Listen To Me Bitch! Isn’t that a killer? It’s almost as good as the title of this blog. The bitching blog is a little different from the norm as it has several different people posting to it, which makes it really fun to read as the style, depending on the blogger, is continually changing.

Honestly, if you love to hear someone rant, or as in this occasion bitch, you simply have to go and check them out. At the moment the current hot post is called The Art Of Shopping Etiquette, and you just may want to chip in.

Oh and whilst I got you here I have something else you may be interested in, especially if you are an up and coming blogger. I have just started a new forum called Wassup’s Bloggers Forum and it is aimed solely at bloggers. The more that join, the more information and tips we can share.


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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Mitch

    We did have an interesting time with that one last night, didn’t we Sire? 🙂

    1. Mitch

      Probably; been concentrating more on trying to fix my computer and writing a little bit than anything else.

      Mitchs last blog post..How To Memorize Anything

  2. BS Artist

    No worries Jeremy. I hope you’ve been getting some visitors from it.

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