Melbourne Lord Mayor Is Full Of Shit

I say this with great authority because only someone full of crap can make such a broad statement. What statement was that? I’m glad you asked. You see, Robert Doyle, that’s the loud mouthed Mayor of Melbourne, said that Adelaide has, “so little going for it that it should be shut down.” He also said that Adelaide was so devoid of qualities that it couldn’t possibly be compared to Melbourne.

Obviously the man’s mother never told him that if you didn’t have something nice to say you shouldn’t have anything to say at all. You sort of have to wonder why this ingrate decided to sledge off at Adelaide after the people of Adelaide and the surrounding districts raised over $100,000 not to mention all the aid we gave those poor citizens of Victoria that lost their lives and homes in that dreadful fire of only a few weeks ago.

Adelaide on Torrens

Personally I figure that the dishonorable Robert Doyle has an inferiority complex. I reckon deep down he believes that Adelaide is actually better than his city of Melbourne. After a lot of the AFL greats that make up the Victorian Teams are from Adelaide. I reckon the fact that we had the Grand Prix first must have really rubbed him the wrong way, and then after they pilfered it and people kept saying that we did it better, shit, that really must have hurt.

When push comes to shove the fact that we put on a great Fringe, have secured the Adelaide Womad, an annual music festival, and people from all over rave about the Clipsal 500 must really piss the guy off. Then of course there was also this years Tour Down Under, featuring Lance Armstrong, that once again put Adelaide on the world map.

Yep, Adelaide sure has a lot to offer, but it must be hard having to compete with Melbourne’s underworld reputation, the very one that inspired the making of the Underbelly series.

Honestly I’ve been to Melbourne and I much prefer our lifestyle, not that Melbourne is bad as it is a lovely city, I just prefer Adelaide better, which is why I am continually adding to Scenic Adelaide, my photo blog of the city that I love.


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This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Man, that photo pic is outstanding…I feel like I can jump in it and instantly teleport myself there!

    Guess I got to put Australia on my visitor’s list huh?

  2. BS Artist

    Yep, it’s a small city, but that’s just how I like it. I’ve a lot more photos on my photo blog.

  3. peter

    Don’t worry mate, its only your city they are criticising. We have had to put up with crap about NZ for years. They used to say NZ used to shut down at the weekends.

    Why dont you pop over to Blogevolve some time. I’ve been doing a little PR about the place in recent times; and I dont know whether I’m responsible but Spooky Yank and TXJUN, both former Writing Up bloggers have come over. Just Sire missing. I’ve been working on Sassys, and she on Pussy Willow, to come over.



    1. BS Artist

      No worries Peter. I will as soon as I get some time. Ever since that last employee left and I’ve been doing his work as well as my own it’s left me a little short on time for blogging.

      As for NZ, I’ve only ever seen the South Island and I loved it.

    1. BS Artist

      As it should be Greg, and the only gripe I have is with that fool for bagging Adelaide when he has no right to.

  4. stan

    rofl @ jealous over ‘tour down under’ who cares about cycling
    If you wanna stake a claim that Adelaide>Melbourne, dont go NEAR sporting events lmao

  5. BS Artist

    Well in the six days that the race was on it attracted over 470000 spectators not to mention the overseas video coverage. Compare that to the measly 278000 people that attended the Melbourne Grand Prix, the smallest crowd ever, this year and I reckon it is safe to say the cycling attracted a bigger following and is nothing to laugh at.

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