Australian Meat Pies In Danger From Mad Cow Disease

One of the jobs of the Australian Government is to protect theAustralian people, and that includes restricting the importing of goods that may harm the populace. Knowing this one must wonder why our government are even considering the easing of meat restrictions that will allow companies to import meat from countries with mad cow disease.

This in itself isn’t all that bad, except that coupled with our current labeling laws, you could be eating a meat pie containing 100% imported meat and it will can be labeled as an Australian Meat Pie! This is bullshit! I want to know what I am eating, especially if there is a chance that it contains meat from a country that has the mad cow disease.

This is because under current labeling laws as long as some of the pies, pastry and gravy is made locally, products can carry the green and gold “Australian Made” logo. I’m sorry but that just isn’t good enough. As Australians we have the right to know what we are purchasing. This is essential if we want to support our local producers and so we can buy Aussie products  over cheap imports.

Luckily there are some honest politicians who see the dilemma and are trying to do something about it. These federal politicians include independent Nick Xenophon, Nationals’ Barnaby Joyce, and Greens’ Bob Brown. Of the three I would have to say that Nick Xenophon is SA’s night in shining armor. He is our voice in Canberra and is willing to shout them all down if he believes it’s in our interest.

The problem is whether or not the current Labor Government has the balls to stand up to those who want all this shit to happen. I hope that they do, but I seriously doubt it. I hope they prove me wrong.

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. moving companies Portland

    I totally agree with you, there should be some regulations for at least indicating the source of the meat on the label. People would want to know where their meat is coming from. Of course, this may hurt the meat importation industry but the general public’s safety should be the top priority. -Mike

  2. BS Artist

    That is exactly the point Mike, and there is also the matter that we should have the right to support our own meat industry over any overseas product.

  3. peter petterson

    I totally agree mate. Look at NZ peanut butter, for instance. Yeah, packed in NZ but the product is made in China. I buy Kraft peanut butter because its made fron Aussie PNB> If I want to buy Chinese I would ask for it. So I totally agree with your sentiments, mate.
    .-= peter petterson´s last blog ..Strong Leonid Meteor Shower Predicted for 2009… =-.

    1. BS Artist

      What I don’t understand Pete is why the government would even consider lowering meat restrictions. Apparently it has something to do with some meat corporation or other, which is run by multinationals who couldn’t give a stuff about us Aussies.

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