Scams are rife everywhere on the net so why should it be any different with Twitter. For those of you who are not aware of Twitter I reckon you must have been hibernating somewhere and it’s now time for you to wake up and listen to the Tweets. Be careful who you follow though because it could be sweet music to your ears or it could excruciating babble.
Twitter would have to be the most popular social networking site that allows users to send and read short messages, up to 140 characters, that are known as tweets. Before telling you of an honest and legitimate what in which Twitter users can make money I want you to read this special report depicting a Twitter Scam! It’s sounds like nothing more than a pyramid scheme where you have to pay to get involved and then you make money by ripping other people off by sucking them into the same scheme.
The thing is there are a lot of legitimate ways to make money on the Net, and including Sponsored Tweets! Sponsored Tweets act as an intermediary between you and the advertisers who will pay you for tweets. There are some who may be worried about losing followers if they start tweeting Sponsored Tweets but there is no need to worry because all Tweets have to be mandatory disclosed, this from their ethics page. facilitates an open relationship between our Tweeters and Advertisers. The Tweeters that engage in a sponsored tweets program are required to disclose their relationship with marketers in their communications with other consumers. Our platform programmatically requires disclosure from all participants, applying standards and compliance system wide.
We comply with FTC regulations that state, “When there exists a connection between the endorser and the seller of the advertised product which might materially affect the weight or credibility of the endorsement (i.e., the connection is not reasonably expected by the audience) such connection must be fully disclosed.”
The way it works is, once a member, you get a DM, or email whichever you choose, from an advertiser wanting you to tweet their product or service. You would then decide whether or not it’s one you would promote. If you’re agreeable you would tweet the ad with the relevant prefix letting your followers know that the tweet is a sponsored one. Sometimes the tweet will not be published until the ad is approved, but once it’s out there you will be paid.
As you have complete control over what you tweet you only tweet the ones you are happy with, and as long as you don’t go crazy no-one is going to mind. Some of them may even fit in within your niche adding value to your tweets.
How much does it cost to join? Nothing, it is absolutely free! Anyone can be a member as long as they fulfill the following criteria.
– 60 days on Twitter
– 100 Tweets
Most Twitter users would be able to have instant access. If you’re not a twitter member you could be missing out on a lot of fun as well as having the opportunity to make a bit of extra cash. For those of you who are new to Twitter I highly recommend you read 50+ Awesome Twitter Tips To Become A Pro.