This stupid Labor Government has done a lot of idiotic things since it’s been in power but this is beyond belief. I’ve just discovered that it has graciously granted our loyal soldiers who are fighting in Afghanistan the right to a couple of beers over Christmas. Nothing wrong with that you say, those diggers have earned the right to have a couple of beers. And too right you are too, but those morons over in Canberra are going to charge them $5 a can for the privilege.
You don’t believe me do you? I mean no government would be that mean spirited, would they? Although this article blames it all on the Defence Department we all know who they answer to and who has the power to tell them to pull their heads in. Come on you wankers, do the right thing and shout our diggers a couple of beers over Christmas.
OMG! You’ve got to be kidding me!
“Merry Christmas! Hey wait! You don’t get to open your present until you give me the 10 bucks, mate!”
I know, it’s hard to believe isn’t it Steve? I couldn’t believe the crap from the Defence Dept. either, that they’re doing enough for our diggers by providing meals and a roof over their heads. What morons.