You know if you look hard enough you are bound to find a entrepreneur’s blog and it’s no surprise that this particular on is called The Capitalist Chronicle. If you love to read rants this one is one of the best. I love the Capitalist’s style of writing, and if nothing else he is completely honest with his feelings and the way he tackles his posts. The post on his New Screenname proves it. It takes a real honest blogger to admit he didn’t know how to change his screen name from Admin to The Capitalist. I’m glad he managed to do it as Admin is so bloody boring.
His GeekSquad also touched a chord with me as I got hit by one of these mongrels awhile back. I really feel for ya mate and I hope you can resolve it real soon. I hear that he is trying to give his blog a bit of kick start and I really hope that this review helps. Maybe he will like it so much he may even drop a couple of wise words as a comment.