I just want to do a little post about safe shopping on eBay. While it is true that you can save heaps of money by shopping on eBay, this is only true if you follow some basic principals. The truth is that I have saved hundreds of dollars by buying products on eBay, and every dollar I saved means more money in my pocket, and in essence that is money earned. Buy following the following tips you can also enjoy the benefits of safe eBay shopping.
- You only shop for things that you need, because if you’re going to buy things just because they’re cheap you may as well throw your money away.
- Only buy from those showing a feedback percentage of 98% positive or better. If others are happy with their service then you probably will be too.
- Check to see that their delivery charges are not exorbitant. Some sellers offer cheap goods but slug you with a high postal charge. If you think their postage is over the top then look elsewhere.
- Don’t just look at the item and the price. Check out the seller by clicking on their link to find out how long he’s been operating and what sort of feedback score he’s got.
- Is the product new? Watch out, many people buy something thinking it’s new when it wasn’t and it’s their own fault because they didn’t the product information carefully.
Follow these tips and you will have a pleasant eBay experience. If you’re not an eBay member, now is a good time to join as they are having their first ever Super Sale! No fooling, they are actually having their first ever Super Sale and you’ll find the latest brands and greatest deals from gadgets to gold, home-wares to handbags. They tell me that quantities are limited, so it’s best to get in early and grab a bargain before someone beats you to it. Remember, every dollar saved is an extra dollar in your pocket.