This has to be the most stupidest scam phishing piece of BS crap email I’ve received to date. To think that there are some people out there who would actually believe that their email address would be pulled out of thin air and they would then be awarded a huge sum of money.
Dear internet user,
We wish to congratulate you over your email address [ yourafool@if you fall for ] success in our computer Balloting.
This is a Millennium Scientific Electronic Computer Games in which email addresses were used.All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from over 100,000 company and 50,000,000 individual email addresses from all over the world. It is a promotional program aimed at encouraging intern et users; therefore you do not need to buy ticket to enter for it.
This yourafool@if you fall for address drew and have won the sum of 750,000 Euros ( Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Euros) in cash cr edited to file with REFERENCE NUMBER: ESP/WIN/008/06/10/MA; WINNING NUMBER : 14-17-24-34-37-45-16 BATCH NUMBERS : EULO/1007/444/606/08; SERIAL NUMBER: 45327 WINNER EMAIL: and PROMOTION DATE: 28th July. 2009.
To claim your winning prize, you are to cont act the appointed agent below as soon as possible for the immediate release of your winnings with the below details.1) Full Name:
2) Nationality:
3) Occupation:
4) Sex/age:
5) Address:
7) Telephone Number:
8) Mobile Number:
9) Fax Number (If available)LIBERTY SEGUROS S.A.
TEL: +34 634-138-556
Email: or
Again, if you have received this, DO NOT REPLY as by replying you are just confirming your email address. Certainly do not send them any details as then you will be playing right into their hands. Just delete it and remember if it sounds too good to be true it usually is.
Wow, all I ever get are banks in foreign countries I’ve never heard of telling me some long, lost relative has died and left me all their money. All I need to do is send them my bank account numbers and they’ll transfer the money right away. I’m so jealous of you. LOLOLOL
Gotta Love The BS!!!!!!!!!!!
.-= Christine Senter´s last blog ..Vintage 1970’s Clothing =-.
Hey Cristine, hows it going? I know you love BS, but you should really visit WassupBlog every now and again as I occasionally come up with a good post LOL
I’d have come by sooner, but I had some BS of my own to deal with the past couple of weeks. Been rebuilding most of my blogs as a couple of them were eaten up by the invisible Internet monsters.
.-= Christine Senter´s last blog ..My First E-Book Of Christian Poetry =-.
BULLSHIT! The bastards. I hope it’s all working out for you now, although it must have been a real pain in the proverbial when it all happened.
I know it. I came home from vacation and my blog wasn’t just messed up, it was GONE!!!!! Lost everything and had to completely start from scratch.
I reckon that means you didn’t have a backup?
For a lot of my posts, yes. But I realized just how dated a lot of them were and didn’t repost them. But some of my stuff was random, off the top of my head stuff, and it’s gone forever. But that’s ok. I’m looking at this as getting a fresh start in my blogging life. It’s either that or throw a sludge hammer through the monitor. 🙂
.-= Christine Senter´s last blog ..Vintage 1970’s Clothing =-.
Nope to the latter and affirmative to the former. You just gotta have a positive outlook on life. Got the book. Will read it later. Two bucks was dirt cheap.
Thanks honey. I hope you enjoy it. :). Night
.-= Christine Senter´s last blog ..Vintage 1970’s Clothing =-.