Have You Had Your Thoof.com Fix Today?


Ok, this my be a crazy question, but have you thoofed today. Yeah I know, you are wandering what the hell thoof is right? Well thoof.com is really a very unique, and will one day be one of the most popular personalized news sites on the Internet.

In essence Thoof.com allows the user, to join a growing community, one that is interested in all that is going on in this world of ours. The best thing about Thoof.com is that it is free and once you are a member you can tailor the site to meet your own personal needs. Thoof is quite unique in that it remembers what articles you read and as you keep track of interesting news, websites, videos, and other links it actually finds articles and stories that matches your interests. That is a real time saver. You also have a say in whether you either approve of or disagree with a selection of articles, and as you make your opinion known it adjusts your profile.

It does this through a “collaborative filter”; a great piece of technology and it does it so that Thoof will only attempt to show you stories that interest you. The user has almost complete control. The way it works is once a member you select a story that interests you. Thoof then will find other stories of the same ilk.

Apart from reading articles you can also submit your own and once submitted you can get the “ThoofRank” button that you can display on your website or blog. This enables other to rate your story or article. ThoofRank is really quite simple to understand. If you rank 50% or above, it means that your story is of above average interest and naturally the opposite if below 50%.

Thoof.com is really a hoot. You should give it a go.

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