New Maggot Infested Chocolate Just In From China

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When I buy a gift for someone, like say chocolates for my Valentine, I try to stay away from knockoffs and buy the real thing. It seems that not everyone follows this sentiment which is probably why there are so many knockoffs in the world.

China has been getting a bad rap lately because of all the lead found in toys etc. but it seems that toys are not the only inferior product coming out of this vast land. Check out this news clip about this Ferrero Rocher knockoff that someone bought, and guess what? It was made in China.

Probably one of the biggest bullshit that is happening in this globe is that so many manufacturers in their bid to save a dollar take their operations overseas and while they may save a buck here or there, perhaps they should consider the quality of the product that is being produced.

What can we do to stem this tide. One answer is to buy local products wherever possible.

BTW, if I have offended anyone because maggots are considered a delicacy in your part of the world I am truly sorry. As for the guy who bought the chocolates, I suppose it wasn’t a total loss if he was a fisherman as the maggots could have been used for bait.

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Tee

    UGH that is awful! Though hmmm, I run a site for digestive disorders, so maybe you should sell some of that chocolate and then send people my way… Kidding!
    Way to ruin chocolate.

    Tee’s last blog post..Mind Over Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    1. BS Artist

      Tee, you know that may not be such a bad idea… :wink_ee:

  2. Holly

    That is absolutely disgusting, I don’t think I may be able to look at chocolate the same way again.

    Holly’s last blog post..Natural Mango Banana Soup

    1. BS Artist

      Holly, it should be OK as long as it is a name brand and isn’t a cheap Chinese knockoff. After all, how could you possibly live without chocolate 😉

    1. BS Artist

      I hope you didn’t actually eat any…..yuk

  3. Reward Rebel

    OMG they’ve always been a favourite of mine, too! I’m not sure I could eat one now, no matter how maggot-free they are… once the image is planted in my mind, that’s it.

    Fortunately, there are plenty more choccy choices out there;-D

    Reward Rebel’s last blog post..Competition Ain’t Happening

    1. BS Artist

      You can always still eat the Ferrero Rocher ones as it was the knockoff that was infested my maggots.

    1. BS Artist

      Ah, but you can Andy as those are maggot free. It’s the Chinese knockoffs you have to worry about. Gee, I reckon I can do with a beer right about now…lol

  4. Tee

    Sire, this is off-topic, but what is the WordPress plugin you are using for threading your comment replies? Pretty cool, I’m interested in it…

    Tee’s last blog post..Coffee and GERD, together at last!

        1. BS Artist

          No worries. BTW, I had to reply to this just so I could see it nest again :cheese1_ee:

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