It makes you wonder why the mother abandoned this young calf but she did and now the poor thing is trying to suckle from nearby yachts thinking they are its mother. It seems that the baby humpback is getting weaker and will die unless something is done soon. Amongst the choices available is to have it put down humanely, rather that let it die from starvation. Such a sad state of affairs. I reckon the only hope is that the mother comes back for her child.
Unfortunately the baby whale, affectionately named Colin was put down yesterday. Somehow, I just don’t feel that enough was done for the poor thing. :thumbdown_tb:
I think it’s odd how these animal lovers can go along with the concept of putting an animal down when they’re still alive, “for their own protection”. What the heck is that? I say let the baby take its chances and, who knows, it just might make it. Sheesh!
They did try to lure it out to sea but it only came back. The thing is who knows what may have happened if they gave the poor thing a break.
That’s kind of my point. Kill it, and it definitely has no chance. Leave it alive and, well, you just never know, but it could surprise us. Too late now, though.
Yeah, but it’s food for thought for when it happens again.
True, but wouldn’t you have thought it would have made a better science project to just put a monitor on it to see if it survived or not?
By the way, I notice we’re not getting any “luv” today. 🙁
There excuse was they didn’t want it to suffer death through starvation. I reckon they didn’t try hard enough.
True that. My thought on this is the same kind of thought I have on people who are against abortion. If those folks were willing to step up to the plate and adopt all those kids that unwanted pregnancy mothers don’t want, then fine. But they’re usually not; it’s all talk. And the same goes for these animal rights people sometimes; they’re not willing to put their action where their mouths are. If they really cared about the baby whale, they’d have figured out a way, not made it easy for themselves. Punks.
You are so right. People always make such a fuss until the load falls on their shoulders and then they’re nowhere to be seen.