Drugs Are Not Cool! Help Can Be Found

I could never understand why people take drugs, especially if it’s just because they are bowing down to peer pressure. All you are proving by listening to your so called friends and trying drugs is that you don’t have a mind of your own. The drugs have already fried their minds and they are trying to drag you into the quagmire.

There are many who never get out of their drug habit and many die from it leaving a whole lot of heartbreak and grief for their loved ones. The thing is that it doesn’t have to get that far. You can get help as all you have to do is go to your drug treatment center, or convince your drug dependent loved one that they should seriously seek help. It may not be an easy road but at least there is light and the end of the tunnel, and once you start and put in the effort it will simply get brighter.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Mitch

    Actually Sire, though I’ve never done drugs (or drank, or smoked), I do understand it. People do drugs and alcohol for one reason only; they want to feel different than they already feel. I don’t know anyone who does either one just because they like the taste. What they like is whatever it is they’re taking does to their bodies and their minds, whether they need calming down or amping up. For most of these folks, drugs or alcohol can get it done quicker, so that’s the way they go. For someone like me, though, all it takes is some good chocolate of some kind. 🙂

    Mitchs last blog post..Reserve Index, Third Time Around

  2. Sire

    As true as that may be Mitch, you would think that they would pay some mind to the consequences. Is the high important enough to compensate for all the BS it brings on.

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