How To Get The Monstors Out From Under Your Bed

Monster Under My bed
Image by Mark_Campo via Flickr

Ever since I was a kid I have been plagued by the idea that monsters are living under my bed and it has been a constant source of a lack of sleep. Even a good bout of sex with the wife has not been able to dispel this sleep depriving fear. I’ve been seeing this psychoanalyst for years and he still hasn’t been able to help me and I finally came to understand that I needed to try something else.

A few weeks later I bumped into Christopher, my old psychoanalyst, and he remarked on how good I looked and whether it was due to me finding a way to find some sleep?

“Are you kidding?” I replied, “I am totally cured!”

“Why, that’s great,” he says, “You do seem to be doing so much better. How did you manage it?”

“I went to see another doctor and he cured me in just one session.”

“Just one? How is that possible?”

“It’s easy because my new doctor is a behaviorist.”

“Oh, come on now,” says the psychoanalyst, “how could he cure you in just one session?”

“That’s easy, he just told me to cut the legs off of my bed!”


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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. BS Artist

    I’m glad you liked it. Perhaps you could use it on one of your patients? :wink_ee:

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