I knew as soon as the Labor party won the election that it wouldn’t be long before they sent Australia back into the red. The reason I was so sure of it is because it has happened on so many occasions before, as it seems that every time Labor is in power Australia goes into debt. It must have something to do with the fact that they do not know how to properly manage the economy. Naturally they have the current world economic crisis to blame it on, and they always seem to be able to point the finger at the precious Government for all their current woes, but as far as I am concerned Rudd simply has not made the right choices.
Let’s start off with the $10billion cash handout he gave to many Australians, the idea being that it would boost the economy. The thing is that even if it does have an effect, that effect would only be short lived. Does he plan to throw away $10billion dollars every so often to keep the economy running. Apparently so as another injection is coming within the next few weeks. As far as I am concerned, this particular method can be likened to our Gobbledygook PM shoveling money down a bottomless pit.
According to Rudd the December cash splash worked because it because the December retail sale figures were up 3.8% as compared to the previous month. Hello! :doh_tb: Christmas was just around the corner and one would assume that December figures are always greater then Novembers, especially as most people leave things to the last moment. Along with his gobbledygook Rudd seems to love pulling figures out of thin air to substantiate his party’s policies, but as far as I am concerned they are all full of shit.
I feel that the 20 or so billion dollars could have been better spent elsewhere. Perhaps it could have been utilized to build infrastructure, say to help save the Murray Darling Basin?
Rudd, unlike Barack Obama, does nothing to inspire confidence in Australia, if anything it is the opposite, especially when you consider that he along with his treasurer Wayne Swan are constantly talking the economy down saying how much shit we are in. Morons, first you throw billions of dollars at us and then you tell us how we are really in a shit and things are only going to get worse. Man, after listening to you guys predicting all that doom and gloom who in their right mind would waste that money. Apart from those people who love the pokies I reckon the bulk of Aussies will use it to help them with their mortgages, help pay off their debts or put it away for a rainy day.
Yep, things will get worse, and it’s not being helped by the fact the the people at the helm haven’t a clue as to what they are doing.
Man, if that doesn’t sound like what GW Bush did as soon as he got into office, immediately turning our surplus into a deficit. If it didn’t work here, what made Rudd think it would work in Australia? Some people really don’t learn from history, do they?
Mitchs last blog post..Infolinks
Who knows Mitch, perhaps he thinks people will remember him for all the handouts when the next election comes in. Speaking of the next election, I’ve heard rumors that he may call for an early election so as to beat all the bad stats before they come rolling in.
See, that’s one thing we don’t have in the U.S. The election schedule is when it is, and you pretty much can’t do anything except wait out your stupidity, if that’s what you did, and possibly decide not to run again. Course, we got stuck with Bush twice; ugh!
Mitchs last blog post..Keys To Leadership
The way I heard it is that he would like to have it this year which is way to early unless he is able get a double dissolution. The thing is that whatever bill he tries to pass would have to be pretty bad for the opposition to let him get his way. All I can say is politicians suck, but we’re simply stuck with them.
Dear oh dear, Sire, your politically biased slip is showing.
You know full well whatever Rudd is doing it is because of the economic crisis. And Aussie like the rest of the western world will have to wait a while yet to see if policies work. Employment creation, not so much profits will have to be the priority in the short term.
We have a new conservative government here in NZ and we will be waiting to see if John Key can do something positive. Their priority is about saving jobs; important because that creates a larger tax base and avoids an increase in welfare. Key has come up with a 9 day fortnight. But people are waiting to see who pays for the tenth day in that fortnight?
Keep us up todate, Sire old fellow!
Kiwi Peter
I don’t think I am biased at all as I honestly believe the December package was a total failure and 10 or so billion out of this one, the portion where he is simply giving money away is also a farce. He should be thinking long term. He has the opportunity to start some momentous infrastructure programs that will server the country well for many years to come and that will also create many jobs but has decided not to go that route. His reason being that they would take too long to organize. Too bad he didn’t start organizing some in December, perhaps they would be on their way by now,
Infastructure programs are important too. Key has come up with a 9 day fortnight, along with a cycle track from Cape Reinga to the Bluff. Massive, eh?
Rudd must have some programs on board; just a matter of bringing them forward. We have a number of roading and works programs that could be brought forward.
The thing is Peter, he could bring more on board if he didn’t squander our savings by just giving it away.