Why Women Think Differently From Men?


This is a task set me by a member on writingUp. I am not an MD and know stuff all about the subject of why women get distracted and women in general so i thought I would do some serious research. The following are my findings.

There was one particular study done by Dr. Ruth Mc.Codswollop which found that the prefrontal cortex of the womans brain tilted 2 degrees to the left. This caused the magnetic field (due to electrical impulses caused by thought) in the womans brain to create another entirely new field thereby creating another thought process. Apparently this 2nd thought process is what enables women to multi-task ( for you men thats means they can do two things at once) and for several women whose prefrontal cortex tilted more than 2 degrees, the capacity for multi-tasking was greatly increased.
One anomaly to the study was that the blonde women who were tested the prefrontal cortex had no tilt whatsoever and is probably the main reason for a blondes lack of multi-tasking abilities. Dr. Ruth on a tangent wondered if that was why many blondes tilted their heads during conversation, but drew a blank and decided they were just being blonde.
I digress, what it all comes down to is because of these increased thought capacity, a womans brain is always working overtime (ergo the migraine and lack of sex drive for some women) and the fact that the prefrontal cortex goes off into tangents, it is this that causes a women to get easily distracted. Though women like to think that this is an attribute, in actual fact it is what is causing them to play 2nd fiddle in the business world as the more logical single thought process of the male mind is much more preferred.
Well aubles, I hope this satisfies your curiosity. I would say it was somewhat biased because it was conducted by a woman, but then she probably did it while distracted by something else.

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