A Diamond Is Naked Without A Gold Band!


They say that a diamond is a woman’s best friend but without that shining band of gold and settings it’s just another pretty stone. Does anyone realize how many uses of gold there are, from the telephone mouthpiece to the space shuttle? Let’s just have a look at some of gold’s properties.

· Its extremely malleable
· It has superior electrical conductivity
· It’s highly resistant to corrosion
· It’s also beautiful and desirable

Apart from the last point it’s other properties make it extremely important in the manufacture of electrical components used in such products as computers, telephones (including cellular phones) and your everyday home appliances. Gold also has high reflective powers that astronauts rely on for its shielding qualities that protect spacecrafts from solar radiation. The medical industry also uses the reflective properties to focus the light energy of its laser equipment.

The one thing that many people forget about gold is that’s it has great monetary value and its one of the best forms of investment. Think about it, in a world where the dollar value continues to plummet what one commodity continue to hold its value? That’s right, gold! You can invest in gold in many ways, on the Internet, gold coins or even bullion. This is something I would seriously think about.

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