What No Stun Gun Permits?


What is the world coming to when you can get a permit for a gun but are not allowed to keep non lethal alternatives like Taser Stun Gun even Mace Pepper Spray. I mean are they for real? Would they rather we shoot an assailant instead of immobilising them?

If I had my way I would have it the other way round, I would follow Australia’s lead by banning all sort of automatic weapons. There are just too many people that have easy access to guns who at a whim cause major devastation. Maybe if they followed this path there would be fewer killings at schools and the like.

Still, it doesn’t seem that it will ever happen so at least all public citizens should have the right to protect themselves buy having ready access to non-lethal weapons. The following statistics will show why this is a necessity;
· An assault of some kind happens every 10 seconds in the US.
· Every 46 seconds, a burglary occurs in the US.
· 1 in every 5 U.S. families will become a victim of crime each year.
Permits for these non-lethal weapons should be made available to anyone who thinks they have a need to protect themselves. It is after all their right.

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