The Best Nose Jobs At Rodeo Drive


Beverly Hills rhinoplasty? OK, we’ve all heard of Beverly Hills, but what the hell is rhinoplasty? Well according to Wikipedia it’s;

(Greek: Rhinos, “Nose” + Plastikos, “to shape”) is a type of plastic surgery that is used to improve the function (reconstructive surgery) or appearance (cosmetic surgery) of a person’s nose. Rhinoplasty is also commonly called a “nose job.” Rhinoplasty can be performed to meet aesthetic goals or for reconstructive purposes to correct birth defects or breathing problems. It can be combined with other surgical procedures such as chin augmentation to enhance the aesthetic results.

Cool, that clears that up. Luckily if you live in the Los Angeles area the best place to go for a nose job is right along Rodeo Drive. Just follow the sign……

nose jobs

and why wouldn’t you look there, as this is the central hub for fashion and style. All the who’s who come here, and I can tell you it’s all not just so they can get their Prada shoes or jewellery fro Tiffany. The Hollywood stars have an image to maintain, and if they’re not stars yet the wannabes are itching to improve their looks so they go where the expertise is to be found.

These guys at Rodeo Drive Rhinoplasty have an image to uphold. They have a team made up of two surgeons with complementary training and backgrounds who do all their nose surgery together. This interdisciplinary approach provides the benefit of a broad perspective and skills during evaluation and treatment, with equal focuses on the cosmetic and functional aspects of any rhinoplasty that is performed at their beautiful offices. Imagine getting any work done in surroundings that are designed to be beautiful as well as comfortable. So if your in the area and interested in getting something done drop in and see them at Rodeo Drive or even check their website at

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. estetik

    I think there is no need for two Plastic Surgeons to perform a nose job. If the Plastic Surgeon has enough skills to do cosmetic surgery why need another surgeon? An assistant in front of you and a nurse to give the instruments are enough to do a nice nose job. To create beautiful noses a Plastic Surgeon should perform at least 200 operations I think. (comment of a Plastic Sureon from Turkey).

  2. Sire

    I suppose having two experts on the job may put the patient more at ease.

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