Boston Accounting Knows How To Look After The Little Guy


All small business owners require the services of a good accountant. I would describe a good accountant as one who listens to his customer, understands how his business runs and does his utmost to get him the best possible deal so that he gets the most return from the government without the worry of whether or not it was done on the sly.

Unfortunately my experience with larger tax firms is that they do not understand small business and do not take the time to learn what they are all about. I suppose its because they consider them small fry and not worth the effort. Luckily there are firms like Boston Accounting who are a small family run business that will take the time to handle their affairs properly.

Joseph Murphy started Murphy & Co twelve years ago so he has the experience necessary and knowing that he started it with the belief that small business owners deserve the same service as big ones is a comforting thought.

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