A Wire Man A Short Story By Ian Randall Wilson


A Wire Man, a short story by award winning author Ian Randal Wilson is truly a great read. You can find an excerpt here. It is basically a story about life with lots of interesting characters, especially Emmanuelle. It is a smooth flowing and very descriptive story, the sort that once you start you can’t stop until you reach the end. Each sentence leads onto the next and pulls you ever deeper into the story.

It’s a story about the life of a man and how his struggle for self-improvement. He sees Emmanuelle’s talent as a way out, as well as a way of improving someone else’s life. Like the real world the path he chose is full of struggles, the biggest being probably his father. Going against his wishes, working two jobs, trying to meet deadlines and misplaced trust. One wonders if it is all worth it. Should we strive for self-improvement, for a better life for our family or do we just take the easy road and plod along hoping it all works ok. If the other stories in the series named Hunger is as captivating it will definitely be a great book to add to my collection.

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