Cat’s Opening Doors? Now I’ve Seen Everything


They say that dogs are a man’s best friend and everyone thinks that dogs are so smart and that they can be trained to do so many things. You can even send dogs to obedience schools and teach them all manner of tricks.

Cats on the other hand seem to be somewhat neglected in the smarts department. They always seem to me more regal than dogs, more aloof as if they were royalty. Sometimes when you are in a cat’s presence its almost as if they were the master and they were suffering your presence. They allow you to pet them and when they are tired of it they move off and they ignore you. So it makes you wonder who is really the master.

As for the smarts department, I would like you to take a look at the videos of cats using door knobs, it will only take a few minutes of your time and I am sure you will find it very interesting.

Ah, you’re back, so it makes you wonder doesn’t it, who is really smarter, the dog who is taught how to do things or the cat who is able to work things out for himself. When you consider that what sets man apart from the animals is his problem solving ability you would think that we wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of the feline species.

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