Mortgage Your Way Into Saving Money


Did you know that mortgages could actually make you money, especially if you are the sort who finds it hard to save? Yeah, I know what you are thinking. You think I am talking a whole lot of BS right? Just read on for the moment.

If you haven’t a mortgage at the moment you are probably renting and let’s face it that money is as good as gone. Then because you haven’t any other commitments you are just spending the money as you make it. That’s great for now, but what about the future. What will you have to show for all your hard work when it’s time for retirement? You will still be making the landlord richer but how will you be able to make the rental payments once you have retired?

If only you took out that mortgage you would be set for when your retirement comes because having a mortgage is the one sure way that forces you to save. Hell once your home is payed off you can even use the equity to fund another project. Even if you have a mortgage you should consider looking for a better deal and remortgage your home, perhaps a form of bad credit remortgages? Another great way to save money is to take advantage of debt consolidation, where you consolidate all your debts into one loan, getting a better interest rate and less fees.

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