Website Chat Support Feature By


There are many businesses that have seen the advantage of displaying their wares and services online. They realize that the Internet is a potentially huge customer base. Naturally they have to apply SEO strategies to help customers find their site and once all that is done they hope that the customer likes what they see and that it will then convert into sales.

The problem lies in the fact that there are many sites selling the same thing and many users will surf from one site to another trying to work out which one suits them. There may be questions that they would like to ask and they may spend time perusing you site in order to answer them, but failing that they move on.

One way to differentiate your site from other similar sites is to provide your potential customers a support chat feature! This is possible with and can be done in three simple steps. The first is the free sign-up which will give you a free 7 day trial. You then download and install he software and lastly you insert a single code of line into your website to display the live chat button. That is it; you are now set to go.

There are other features that may well come in handy with the LiveHuman. These include the logging and storing of chat for up to two months as well as monitoring the visitors as they move around your site. Useful information such as the movement may enable you to tweak your site even more to gain its best conversion potential. All you need to do is take the free trial and test it out.

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