Why Buy.com Just Keeps Rocking

I’ve been raving for so long that buy.com rocks that my mate finally asked me to explain to him exactly why buy.com rocks. I replied with some questions. I asked him if he liked push sales people, crowds and the constant hassle of running around looking for a bargain? Naturally he said he hated all that crap and I told him that his reply was the answer to his own question about why buy.com rocks.

I went on to explain how it offers amazing Prices, free Shipping Offers and that it has a price comparison engine to see all competitors prices. I also told him how the site has professional and customer video product reviews and I was going to tell him more but he told me he got the picture. I then showed him this video I uploaded to YouTube of Ozzy Ostrich to promote buy.com.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Sire

    gee, I didn’t know that I had such a strong accent. 😆

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