Miss Gullible Another Cog In The Scam Busting Machine

Man, when I took on the task of blowing all the scams out of the water, of righting wrong, exposing those who would take advantage of the weak and all the other crap that is trying to sour this beautiful world of ours, I knew that I would have my hands full, but I had no idea that it would be this much of a work load. After all, I am only one man and there is only so much that one man can do.

I sat there for awhile with my head in my hands, shaking at the enormity of it all when it suddenly dawned on me that there had to be others out there who had the same intentions I did, and so I did what all good researches did, I Googled hundreds of search terms until I came across another scam busting blog called Miss Gullible! Yes, what a bloody relief. I am not alone. There are others out there whose ambition it is to right the world from wrong, to expose all the bullshit that sours the environment we live in, to go where only the righteous go in the hope that one day men and women can surf the net in the knowledge that those predators that used to prey on the gullible no longer exist. Shit, I can dream can’t I?

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Mitch

    I’ve visited her blog before. Can’t remember whose blog I was reading, but he was ridiculing a particular post she made as far as her gullibility coming out. Of course, in retrospect, she realizes when she’s making gullible mistakes also; kind of like watching a train wreck. Seems she has a gambling addiction; that’s a shame,…

  2. BS Artist

    I suppose we will always be able to find someone who is willing to ridicule one post or another. I suppose that she is able to pick up on her mistakes is a good sign.

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