Every now and again you come across a good blog contest that is worth entering. Bloggers hold contests every now and again because they want to either build their readership, increase the amounts of commenting or, as in this case, increase their RSS subscribers.
This particular contest is being held by a Mitch a good blogging friend of mine. First prize is a website optimization review of up to 10 pages, which is worth $300 , but for those of you who do not own a website he is willing to give you $50 cash! I reckon that the prizes in this contest is a whole lot better than some of those you will find on other blogs.
How much does it cost to enter? Well, it won’t cost you a dollar, nope it won’t even cost you a dime, in fact not a single coin of any persuasion will ever have to leave your person as the contest is absolutely FREE! Go on down and tell Mitch that Sire sent you.