There are many people in the world who live in fear of spiders, yet this does not apply to the Internet dwelling individual. Especially not to webmasters whose dream it is to be spidered by a Web Spider. These can also be called a Web Crawler or Web Robot or even a Spiderbot. The most famous of the Spiderbots is the Googlebot!
A Web Robot (or whatever you want to call it) is actually an automated program or script used by search engines to search the World Wide Web for new information, which is then passed on to its masters, and of course Googlebot’s master, is the famous Google himself! This process actually has a name, Web Crawling. Once your site is crawled or spidered the spiderbot makes a copy of your pages, which is then processed by its master and indexed by the search engine in order to, provide fast searches.
Most webmasters will do anything to have their site spidered, but it’s a dream come true to be visited by the famous Googlebot. The trick is to get the bots to your site. For this you have to lay bait and this takes the form of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) marketing. This is a pain for many young webmasters and involves many fruitless hours of searching to find all the techniques used by the experts.
Then there are many webmasters who do not have the time or whose business means too much to them to rely on a hit and miss affair and these people look to a search engine marketing firm. These are professionals who know all the tricks of the trade to get your website to the top of the search list.