Where The Bloody Hell Are You…….

Australians have been know to come up with some pretty good commercials and ads. You may remember the one the Tourism people put out called Where The Bloody Hell Are You. This ad featured a lot of the beautiful spots that Australia has to offer and finished off with a beaut sheila in a biking saying those very lines.

Well it seems that someone has taken it a little further. Just check out this video.

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This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Sheryl Loch

    Well you just ruined our plans!
    This week Brad, Cait, & I got to spend an afternoon with a couple from Australia. They were here for ASW10. Cait & I came home & started building a boat so we could float over there. But now, I’m not so sure we should. I guess we had better plan on doing that when it is a busy tourist time. Heck our odds are pretty good if there are only 22 killed a year.

    What I don’t get is why bury them…can’t ya just feed them to the crocks? πŸ˜‰
    .-= Sheryl Loch´s last blog ..Search Google Wave Cheat Sheet =-.

  2. BS Artist

    Sure you could feed them to the crocks but that only works if you’re where the crocks are.

    I don’t think the boat is a good idea, you might be mistaken for boat people and get shoved off to Christmas Island or something.

    Honestly though Australia is a beautiful country, and I love it here.

  3. Heather Kephart

    Ack! Well, look who’s coming to dinner! On the barbie, that is. Tourists.

    I didn’t know about this blog until I saw your Tweet just now, Mr. Artist. Funny!
    .-= Heather Kephart´s last blog ..Let’s get it back! =-.

    1. BS Artist

      I didn’t actually Tweet it Heather, but thanks for reminding me. I’ve just tweeted it now.

      This must be your visit to my Bullshit blog and what a lovely post for you to land on.

        1. BS Artist

          Sorry about the Theme Heather, it seems that Thesis doesn’t like some of my plugins and so I miss out on your smiling avatar. Oh well, I suppose I just have to scroll up :doh_tb:

          1. BS Artist

            Hey, they told me the it was the attract Heather plugin :laugh_tb:

          2. BS Artist

            No, I’m the one with the fangs :vampire_ee:

    1. BS Artist

      Shiela is just Aussie slang for woman or girl. As an example if an Aussie bloke may point out a good looking bird to his mate and say, “Check out that sheila, her names Mary and I was that close to shagging her last night.” :wink_ee:

      1. Mitch

        I know it’s slang, Sire, but I’m wondering what the genesis was for it. I mean, it could have been any name; why “sheila”?
        .-= Mitch´s last blog ..I Love Natalie! =-.

        1. BS Artist

          It’s hard to tell with you guys Mitch. :laugh_tb: Maybe this will help.

          1. Mitch

            Wow, that was actually quite a fascinating historical read! Course, it doesn’t explain how a term for homosexuals turned into a term for young ladies, but so be it. lol
            .-= Mitch´s last blog ..Are You A Lurker Or Participant In Life? =-.

          2. BS Artist

            Just one of the mysteries of life I reckon.

  4. Anne

    22 isn’t so bad. The first year we moved to rural Virginia [from very un-rural West Palm Beach, FL] Megan’s bus driver was killed and her car lit on fire [with her body inside] and a family was murdered. The next year the 4-H center made national news for staff bullying the kids. I was ready to move back to Florida and take my chances. πŸ™‚

    Btw, I like the slang. I can hear it in my mind when I read. πŸ˜‰
    .-= Anne´s last blog ..Honor Thy Father ~ Forefathers, that is =-.

    1. BS Artist

      Anne, I love the use of slang as when used appropriately it makes everything more colorful.

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