Is John Howard Good For Australia?

I, am what you call a floating voter. I vote for whichever party I think will be best for Australia. A lot of voters will vote for what they think a party will do for them, but I think this is short sighted and harmful to Australia and therefore Australians in general. Politicians knowing this is what voters are looking for will plan their campaigns around this general rule. Beasley has been known to do this a hell of a lot. Instead of standing by his convictions, he will chop and change depending on what he perceives the general public to want.

John Howard however is completely different. He has a vision for this country and he steers us to fulfil that vision. Even when he knows it’s not the popular thing to do, if he believes it to be good for the country he will follow through with the policy. One good example of this is the GST. The GST could of cost him the election and many believed it would, God knows the Labor party did what they could to hammer the idea that the Evil GST would be the downfall of all Australians.

Australia however seems to be surviving with an unemployment rate of 4.6% which is the lowest it has been for 30 years. This is 0.2% lower than even the economists had predicted. Even so I believe that Howard’s days are numbered as people are selfish and will listen to a opposition propaganda which tried to to appeal to the selfishness of voters rather than the good of a country.

Well Blog Me!
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