A Christmas Wish!

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It’s almost Christmas, the day is near
Everyone prays that there be good cheer
The meaning of Christmas differs for all
Not everyone puts holly in the hall

Businessmen think of the money they’ll make
Terrorists of the lives they may take
Children of gifts they will receive
Parents of the mess it will leave

So many of us on this day we forget
The child that was born and the kings he met
The man that grew with peace in his heart
With love for all till the day he did part

Oh that this day could bring joy for all
That terror and hate from all would fall
To be left behind and be seen no more
That each and everyone we may adore

That poverty would cease to exist
That peace would rein in our midst
That rulers learn to live in harmony
That less importance be placed on money

Turn each to the other and clasp their hands
Though we live in far strung lands
We must make a stand for what we believe
And hope that peace we will one day achieve

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