Italy History And Beauty All In One


Italy has been calling me for a long while. It is the land of my parents and therefore my ancestors. Whenever I see a movie that portrays this lovely country whether it is the Colosseum in Rome or the beautiful villas in Tuscany I feel a yearning, a calling that drags at the strings of my heart.

The coastlines that abounds with beauty just as the Property in Calabria which is little-known to tourists and property investors yet offers a glimpse of a different Italy, as well as memories of more illustrious times some 2000 years ago. Calabria was part of Magna Graecia, the site of rich and powerful Greek colonies, recorded by artefacts such as the famous Riace bronze statues, recovered from the sea and now in the Museo Nazionale of Reggio di Calabria.

You see, this is the spell that Italy holds over me, not only it’s beauty, the Italian weather, the food or the Italian language but the history of the place. So much has happened there and for thousands of years it had been the hub of civilisation and it is forever calling me. I must answer that call and in time I shall.

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