Blonde Joke

I know, you are thinking :Not another Blonde joke”, but come on guys you have got to admit that they are pretty funny, and every joke is different, it’s not like they are all the same you know. Besides, no-on is saying that you have to read it you know.

This one starts with a blonde who is wanting to buy a TV. She goes to this store and looks around and finds a TV she really likes.

She goes up to the man at the cash register and says “Hey can I buy this TV?”

The guy says “No, I don’t sell any thing to blondes!”

Sad, she leaves the store but then as she is passing a salon she has a good idea ( for once) she thought “I am gonna dye my hair.”

The next day she comes in the store with black hair she finds the TV and says “Hello. can I buy this TV?”

“No, I don’t sell to blondes”

Well, this dyeing her hair a different color goes on and on at last she dyes she hair blue, comes in and says “Can I get a TV?”

“No, I don’t sell to blondes.” he said for the 6th time.

“But how do you know I am a blonde?”

“Because miss that isn’t a TV, it is a microwave.”

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