What Do We Have To Do To Get Our Kids To Study?

As parents many of us just do not know what it is we have to do to provide the incentive to get our kids to do their homework. This was true for Little Johnny’s parents who were trying to get his maths grades up. They tried everything; tutors, flash cards and even special learning centres. Still nothing seemed to work as he just wouldn’t apply himself, so as a last resort they enrolled him in the local Catholic school.

After the first day Johnny comes home, very serious looking and goes straight to his room and commences studying. When his mother peeps in she notices that he has his books and papers spread all over the place and his hard at work. She is shocked! Later she calls him down to dinner and as soon as he his finished to her surprise he goes back to his homework.

This goes on day after day, and she can’t work out why the sudden change. One day little Johnny comes home and puts his report card on the table and goes to his room to study. His mother picks up the report card is is surprised to see that he got an A in maths. Dumb founded she went to his room to see what caused the sudden change.

“Johnny”, she says, “how come you are always studying, is it the nuns?”

He shakes his head. “Was it the books, or the discipline?”

He looks at her and says, “Mum, on my first day at school when I say that they had nailed that guy to the plus sign, I knew they weren’t fooling around.

So there you have it, all we need is the right incentive. If you liked this post you can review it and earn $7.50.

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