AWA’s Abused And Ombudsman Steps In

There always has to be one twit who has to try and rort the system. I read in the paper today that a furniture business threatened to sack it’s workers if they didn’t sign their AWA’s ,Australian Workplace Agreement and this is exactly what the Unions were saying would happen, but read on as it seems that the Government was correct in saying that they had something in place to correct such abuse by employers.

Naturally the workers complained and the Workplace Ombudsman stepped in to handle affairs as he takes all allegations that workers rights and entitlements have been contravened seriously. The employer has now released a statement saying there was a “misunderstanding” so it appears that the union scare mongering has been all for nothing. In fact if Labor wins power and scraps the AWA’s and the Workplace Ombudsman which is the the workplace watchdog, industry will be at the mercy of Unions strong arm bully tactics and everyone (apart from Unions whose coffers will increase) will be worse off.

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