It seems that this pass week wherever I turn I see the words Orlando in front of me. It appears on the news, when I am surfing the net and even on graffiti. It even appeared during my blog hopping forays that I do daily to try and keep up with what is happening in the blogosphere.
I suppose I should not really be all that surprised because Orlando Florida is very well known and that there is so much always happening there, but what puzzles me is the sudden appearance of the word everywhere I look. It’s like when your friend or acquaintance buys a new car and previous to that you hardly ever saw that model on the road but once your mate buys the car it seems to pop up everywhere.
That certainly doesn’t explain this situation as I don’t know of anyone who is planning to go to Orlando and staying in any of their wonderful Orlando Hotels. I did notice that the Orlando Vista Hotel is located close to all the Orlando attractions (very important when you only have a limited amount of time and don’t want to waste it traveling between locations) & convention center. Even the fact that an upcoming event in Orlando called the “2008 American Urological Association Annual Meeting†(or AUA) which is situated near the Orlando Vista Hotel making it the perfect choice to stay at while attending the event does not highlight why the word keeps appearing everywhere I look. Hell, maybe it means that I have a major career change looming 😯