Bloody Google Just Doesn’t Care

Day in the Life of Matt CuttsImage by dewaldp via Flickr

I have come to the conclusion that Google, just like every other major corporation, just does not care about the little people. Why else does the great Google god penalize the good along with the bad. I am talking about the last big PR configuration when Google decided to yank all the bloggers PR because they had the audacity to take on paid tasks. Shit, who in hell said that Google was the only one allowed to take money for advertising. Last I heard they do not have the monopoly on selling advertising space on the net, although I am sure they would love that to be the case.

Anyway, after Google wiped out my PR on all my blogs, I came up with this poem.

Google’s like a woman
As fickle as can be
Use all The SEO you can
She’ll crush you like a flea

You read all the SEO tactics
You apply it to your blog
Then those Google pricks
Give your Rankings a flog

Women like to change the rules
And Google is just the same
She acts as if all bloggers are fools
For trying to play the game

One minute your feeling happy
Your PR is pretty good
Then you’re feeling crappy
And you wish you understood

Yeah, Google is no lady
The way she treats her fans
Her actions kind of shady
Ruining many bloggers plans

We all don’t rort the system
Yet she treats us all the same
Yeah, we’re not all like them
Spammers should wear the blame

Bloggers have to live too
Paid posts are just a job
Oh Google if you only knew
You’re acting like a slob

We can’t use rel-nofollow
As then we won’t get paid
Your rules are hard to swallow
Us bloggers all feel so betrayed

Well I say stuff you whore
I removed your stupid toolbar
Though my rankings may not soar
My content you cannot mar

Hell, who am I kidding
Please give my PR back
Your Praises I will sing
Just cut me some slack!

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This Post Has 6 Comments


    Hey, good poem, lol. Maybe you should boycott google by removing their ads. Anyway guess we all have to put up with it until a new google comes along haha. but anyway i still see a lot of sites out there that just keep spamming even after all the PR “reconfiguration”.’s last blog post..Sell your PC, buy the Optimus Maximus keyboard!

  2. BS Artist

    Ah yes but I wasn’t scamming and neither were a lot of others. As for the Google Adsense, Id be a damn fool not to take their money now, wouldn’t I? :jittery_tb:

  3. ManoDogs

    Rock right the hell on, Sire!

    I spoke briefly on this the other day, myself. Actually, I spent almost the entire day either Mon or Tue writing a very long, VERY critical, very ANGRY rant – going-off on Google, the sponsored networks, all the ESL sploggers, and more, but then just drafted it because I didn’t want to anger the $5-10 sponsors I get once a week…

    Read that first article, particularly: Google STILL FOLLOWS NOFOLLOW LINKS! Further, NOFOLLOW is not agreed-upon and is improper syntax for the REL attribute! FURTHER, Google cannot claim any of us are passing PR BECAUSE THEY TOOK ALL OUR PR AWAY 6 MONTHS AGO!!!

    This is nothing but a sham to force us into relying on AdSense as our primary/only means of income, and AS only pays PENNIES A DAY!!! Google has pushed this PR bullshit down all the IT “consultants” these advertisers and businesses use and Google knows it, so they used this to screw us all and prove to us that The Mighty G is boss!

    IOW, Google is saying, “Businesses and professionals don’t listen to YOU, they listen to US: we OWN you.”

    What a load of bullshit!!!!!!

    Ahem. Sorry.

    ManoDogs’s last blog post..Norton, Director in No Fight Over Hulk’s Direction

  4. BS Artist

    That’s OK Manodogs, you can say ‘What a load of bullshit’, I’m not google mate, I don’t try to monopolize things. BTW, I left a comment on those two links you left. They were a bloody good read!

  5. April

    The poem is so funny. I’m literally lmao!

    Google is really messed up. I have two blogs that I’ve never had paid ads on, and for some reason my Google Pr has always shown up as N/A. I’m not even sure what this means. I’m not quite clear on what to do about it.

    Google has eventually worked there way through all my blogs knocking them down.

    Great post.

    April’s last blog post..Write for EHarmony Advice – Freelance/Work from home job lead

  6. BS Artist

    You are obviously a woman with good taste. I don’t worry too much about PR anymore. For me it is all about getting people to visit my blogs.

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