I know how observant all of you are and so I reckon you’ve all noticed that cool looking bar at the bottom of my blog and have probably been wondering what it was all about. Well I’m here to put your mind at ease by telling you a little about my latest addition to this blog, my Skysa App Bar!
The first thing you should know is that it’s free. The next thing is that it’s really easy to install, just one line of code, and from what I can see it doesn’t seem to slow the page load at all, and that is very important.
Once installed on your blog you can change the settings from the main website, adding Apps as you see fit, and any changes you make will automatically show on your Skysa Bar. I’ve gone for the chat room, sorry members only; a simple text ticker; a bar that will translate the blog into other languages, although this tends to take awhile; a comment app that funny enough allows people to leave comments; an announcement app that allows you to make announcements to your readers; my twitter link and a few apps that allow users to share content using popular social sites such as Twitter, Digg and the like. These are only a few of the many apps available and apparently there are a lot more to come.
Once you’ve installed the app I would suggest you promote it because as an affiliate you get paid a dollar for every person who installs it, and 25 cents for everyone that signs up under them. Now that’s not a bad deal at all, and it all get’s paid into your PayPal account.
As I’m writing this I’ve noticed the language app doesn’t seem to be doing anything so I left a post on their forum and I reckon it will be interesting to see how long before they come to my aid.
Your post has actually reminded me that I have done the same, started by first ever Sqidoo Lens. Must do something about it.