Rudd Slips Up & Of Course He Is Sorry

When one is in the public eye it’s always smart to be absolutely free of any bad behaviour before speaking bad of someone else, especially in politics. Naturally with an election coming on in Australia there is a fair bit of mud slinging on both sides. Of late Labor is having a field day over something Costello said to some press (in confidence) a few years back. When confronted with it he denied it and naturally Labor pounces say does the electorate want to vote in a party where the treasurer is a liar.

Well today in the Sunday Mail the headline is Rudd’s Night At Strip Club! Apparently in 2003 while on a a trip to the US, a trip funded by tax payers, he went to Scores a Manhattan strip club, where according to certain sources he was told by management on several occasions not to touch the dancers.

So what you say, a lot of men go to these venues. Sure but not everyone professes publicly that;

For me, family values is the most important thing in my life. It is the backbone of my life.

Then you have to consider his wife of 25 years who sacrificed her own career for his and then there is this little tidbit;

For me, the Christian Faith is an under-girding principle…….We believe the family remains the building block on which our society is built

Now which is the greater evil, Peter Costello’s alleged lie to the public concerning something that some journalist said he said (the accuracy of which is questionable as they could not even get the dates right), keeping in mind that they said it was off the record and we all know how certain journalists like to embellish the truth, or the action of someone who wants to be our leader?

I even saw Rudd on TV today saying that at least he admits when he is wrong, again, and naturally only because he was caught out. Then there is always the excuse that he was too drunk to realize what he was doing,

Not withstanding the fact that I had too much to drink I have no recollection of any incident occurring at the nightclub – or of being asked to leave

I suppose he had every reason to have a good time since we paid for it. After all, who would knock back a few free drinks.

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