The F Word!

The F word, always on the tip of your tongue
As an expletive the F word is rated number one
It’s always there when the need arises
And most times it will win you no prizes

There are many occasions when it’s in use
Especially those times when yelling abuse
Hey, you F’n wanker, you stupid jerk
Come here and say that, cos I’ll go berserk

There’s the time the hammer hit your thumb
For F sake, that really hurt some
As you jump up and down shaking your hand
The pain is way too much to withstand

Then there are times when you’re feeling bold
And tell your wife to F off in order to scold
Now that was a mistake I’m telling you
You may as well jumped into some boiling stew

Perhaps the driver who cut in front
And you scream F you for pulling that stunt
You flick him the bird as a parting salute
And then you lay on the horn for all it would toot

It’s not all bad because the time may arise
You meet a shiela and in order to surprise
You swagger up to her and ask for a F
She slaps you instead and calls you a schmuck

Well that did not go well it seems no matter what
Being able to use the F word is no reason to strut
It seems it’s best if you want to be nice
If your gonna use the F word you better think twice.

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