Towing Tips For The Newbie

There may come an occasion when you are asked to help a friend out with a tow but before accepting there are a few things you have to consider first.

1. Consider the size and weight of the vehicle you are about to tow with your own vehicle.

2. Make sure you tie the tow rope securely to both vehicles at the correct anchor point.

3. Drive off smoothly once the rope is taught, do not just drive off taking up all the slack at once.

4. Make sure the vehicle you are towing has brakes.

5. Consider the traffic in front as you will need more stopping distance especially if you mate in the towed vehicle is a dork.

6. Always try to keep rope taught to prevent jerks, a lot easier if the towed car’s driver is alert.

7.If you find that the vehicle you are about to tow is beyond you car’s capacity, then don’t bloody tow it! If you do then this could happen to you.

Check out this video: Towing Tips

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