Beware Of Work At Home Scams

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People who scam others with work at home schemes are probably so successful because there are so many people out there who would like a change of lifestyle. Perhaps they are sick of their jobs or they just want to make that little bit extra to supplement their income. The thing to remember is that they do exist and they suck in a whole lot of new victims every year. Out of the the 30 million Americans that have been affected by fraud ‘work at home schemes’ numbers in the top five!

This CBS News clip tells you how some get sucked in and what to watch out for.

Basically, if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. I would suggest before parting with any money one should first check the internet to see if the scheme they are interested in is legit or just another scam

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Mick

    Thank You!

    I finally did a search on “work @ Home Bullshit” and got this. My exact sentiments. What is this, ‘effin’ Mexico – Pay a coyote to get to the place where you might get some decent employment! Well, I finally blocked anything with those catch words and “free”. Nothing is free, and if someone wanted to hire me for a legitimate job, I sure as hell ain’t paying for the opportunity to prove myself. I say B.S. to the Bullshitters!

    If there really is any legit companies – please step up!

  2. BS Artist

    Thanks for taking the time to comment Mick. I am actually surprised how many people use ‘bullshit’ as part of their search string. :laugh_tb: Hopefully in time this blog will save a lot of people from being scammed, as well as providing a bit mild entertainment.

  3. NeverEnough It Seems

    The Avatar speaks of itself ,,, of blogsire

    Well ,,, like Mick ,,, I did and that is all I came up with. A lot of BS and a load of crap! Why are people allowed to ‘post work’ that will eventually break them and their bank, strain their relationship and more problems then there are solutions for. All but them! They are like a virus and a worm that infects your machine. Plus, there are programs to stop those from entering your machine. WE need more regulations on what is rightfully a work at home business with a profit. Then there are the ones that prey on the desperate and out of work trying to get ahead so as to find the time card punching jobs that seems to fill the American Dream! We are fed so much Bull Shit that it is taken for granted. Mick
    As for the entertainment, after being promises the Moon and handed a load of crap, it is funny ,,, after it is wash of and that bad taste leases your mouth!

  4. BS Artist

    I don’t think that people are ‘allowed’ so much as it is too hard to put a stop to it. So many people are entering the market to rip other people off makes it pretty well impossible to monitor. If only people would be more wary of any such schemes they would slowly die away.

  5. kevin

    People who are running the get rich quik bs scemes will pay their dues one day! Then we’ll see who’s laughing!

  6. Kyle

    @BS Artist

    It will never go away especially when the economy is bad and people get extremely desperate. They read nothing, and it’s super easy and fast to sign up for the bs. I feel bad for people who get scammed yet again scams are all over the place, it’s not hard to figure out if it is one or not. Like Mick said nothing is free, and if you’re paying to make money think again because noone is going to sell you a product that will benefit you more than them.

    1. BS Artist

      Too true Kyle. If only people would realize this simple fact they’re wouldn’t get sucked into this type of scams.

  7. Carin

    Hi you guys. I really wish there was something that one can do on internet that will help you earn money. We have lost our company and I am really looking for something to do on the internet but it seems that there is only bs going on. Do anybody now of something that is not bull shit?

    1. BS Artist

      Hey Carin, sorry to hear about your misfortune. Losing your company must really suck.

      You will probably find a lot of sites that will promise you the world as far as making money and truth be told while you can make money online it isn’t as easy as most make it out to be. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication and most importantly time. There is no make quick money solution.

      I have posted a lot of information on WassupBlog about my online money making journey. Perhaps there is something there that may interest you.

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