Howard Wins Point As Rudd Concedes To Debate
It absolutely amazes me how Labor has for weeks been hounding Prime Minister Howard on calling the election and now that he has that they would better prepared. Then they…
For General Political Blogs.
It absolutely amazes me how Labor has for weeks been hounding Prime Minister Howard on calling the election and now that he has that they would better prepared. Then they…
I reckon the boys in the Liberal party offeered a sigh of refief when they heard the latest poll. They are still a fair way behind but after clawing back…
As usual Kevin Rudd and his cronies continue to pick on insignificant crap in order to make the Liberal party as unpopular as possible. The latest bit of mudslinging is…
There always has to be one twit who has to try and rort the system. I read in the paper today that a furniture business threatened to sack it's workers…
When one is in the public eye it's always smart to be absolutely free of any bad behaviour before speaking bad of someone else, especially in politics. Naturally with an…
There are probably some of you out there that think that I hate Kevin Rudd. This is so untrue as I don't even dislike the man. It's not even that…
Yes, it happened again. August 08 2007 and the Reserved Bank of Australia raised the interest rates by .25% raising interest rates to a whopping 6.5%. A far cry from…
It amazes me how Rudds keeps attacking Howard over his lack of a 'Carbon Target' over the question of cutting greenhouse emissions. He actually states that if Labor is elected…
I was amazed at some of the comments in the Advertiser the other day. Under the heading “Gullible Voters†the writer wrote; “When they ponder whether they should do so…
There are many saying that Rudd's wife Theresa Rein should quit her job and others that say she should not. What is surprising is that support for her position all…