Aussies have long been known for their charm and all round toughness. We’ve got Paul Hogan and Steve Irwin, may he rest in peace, as our mentors. Our tough environment has a lot to do with it, the fact that we have to fight through through the political bullshit on our daily basis, a task made all the harder by the red tape that we are inflicted with.
Rather than trying to make things easier for ourselves, the Aussie male is constantly on the lookout for ways to increase our toughness, because that’s the way our Aussie sheilas like us. They don’t want Woose for a boyfriend, they want a man! Just to show you the lengths that we Aussies go to retain that tough exterior, just check out this commercial of the latest toilet paper to hit our shelves.
Male propaganda?
Oh my! lol
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A little different wouldn’t you say? :laugh_tb:
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